reduce spending

美 [rɪˈduːs ˈspendɪŋ]英 [rɪˈdjuːs ˈspendɪŋ]
  • 减少开支
reduce spendingreduce spending
  1. The government has two options ; to reduce spending or to increase taxes .


  2. Instead , Congress should reduce spending and prevent another tax hike on American taxpayers .


  3. The new administration are on the prowl for ways to reduce spending .


  4. The Council is still under pressure to reduce spending .


  5. Many cutters also argue that the best response would be to reduce spending .


  6. He also plans to reduce spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan .


  7. But some experts say the world economy is still too weak for Europe 's biggest country to reduce spending .


  8. He hopes the report will serve as a template for plans to reduce spending in a big way .


  9. More or less owner 's option The government has two options , to reduce spending or to increase taxes .


  10. Theoretically predicting the ADME / T properties of drug candidates can improve the success rate of drug development and reduce spending and time wasted .


  11. Industry leaders say the first credit ratings cut for the country in nine years should prod Japan to restructure its budget and reduce spending .


  12. A budget will help you to see at a glance where your money is going and where you can possibly reduce spending to improve your financial situation .


  13. The government has made cutting a record peace time budget deficit its priority , and government departments have to reduce spending by some 19 % over the next four years .


  14. The government has already taken measures to reduce spending , such as cutting civil service pay and subventions , though cutting education funding seems counter-productive in the longer term .


  15. He correctly identified the genesis of the problem being the Asian financial crisis that had deprived the industry of fresh talent over multiple years as fund management companies tried to reduce spending .


  16. More than half ( 54 % ) said they plan to reduce spending on watches , while 48 % indicated a pullback in jewelry and handbag purchases .


  17. Would-be mature students are turned off by the sheer difficulty of fitting formal study into their busy lives , the report observed , adding that businesses were understandably keen to reduce spending on education .


  18. The results of the practical use show that database connection pool could dramatically shorten the system response time and reduce spending of system resources , thus the performance of system has been enhanced significantly to meet the requirement of large application software .


  19. In February the Republicans who control the state legislature had tried to push through a " budget repair " bill which aimed to reduce spending in part by severely restricting collective bargaining for the public sector .


  20. Broadly speaking , Mr Romney wants to cut taxes and sharply reduce spending in most areas except defence , while Mr Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy in order to maintain higher government spending levels .


  21. The British could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk


  22. He also said he would seek to reduce state spending .


  23. Ensure high standard and efficient maintenance with an aim to reduce overhead spending .


  24. On the other hand , the local governments reduce the Spending on environmental protection .


  25. Members agreed to reduce total spending by over 3 % for the period .


  26. Well , let 's figure out a way to reduce nonpublic spending .


  27. Maybe you can reduce your spending , so your bills are lower .


  28. Many developing countries could reduce public spending without slowing economic growth or adversely affecting the poor .


  29. To reduce public spending on health would be an act of the greatest folly .


  30. BIST has been applied into transient current testing as an effective method to reduce testing spending .
